Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Promoting Music and Need Help!

Hey Everyone,

Recently, I've been getting contacted by artists that have been requesting me to promote their music! I cannot explain how awesome it is to know that people want me to represent them and get their music out to the audience that wants to hear it!

I wanted to say keep it up and if anyone that reads my blog produces music and/or knows someone that does, contact me and send me links to your work and I will do my best to make sure the right people are hearing it!

Along those lines, I want to do the best job possible to help artists out. In order to do that, I really want to push my blog towards becoming a full website. I think funneling the traffic I get to one location would not only benefit the artists I support, but it would make my job even simpler! If anyone has the skills or knowledge regarding how to make a full on music promoting website, please contact me at!

Thanks again for the support! Find me on Facebook or Twitter if you want to introduce yourself!


Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Hey everyone! I just updated all of the music sections with some great songs, albums, and mixtapes. If you have some free time definitely check them out! Also, be sure to recommend my blog or share it with your friends if you like the music and comment on any of the posts because I like getting peoples' feedback to know if the music I post is actually good! Thanks and enjoy!